Hey, first of all I would like to thank you for creating a website that truly does help the up and coming bbq cook that really wants a chance at breaking into the top 10 in contests...and maybe walking with a trophy. Trends are tough to "follow" not knowing if it was a one time table of judges or not....so wow is all I gotta say about having access and feedback from real enthusiasts and judges....with pics to back it up, My question is in regards to Rib Rub flavor profiles. I feel like I've come full circle in my outlook on rib rubs but just want your opinion....are judges preferring more complex with pushing the limit of heat? or are the simpler flavor profiles with the heavy sweetness still scoring high, or a combo. I know its kind of a loaded question and everything is subjective at the end of the day but hey its worth asking.. thanks a lot. Ive gone from 5 ingredient rubs to 16 ingredient rubs and kind of settled in the middle.
Eric Pratt