BBQ Critic
10/31/2014 02:31:19 am
BBQ Critics: Participants in COBJ MUST USE THE FORMAT BELOW WHEN SCORING BOXES or your post will not count toward your COBJ qualification.
10/31/2014 03:29:49 am
Score 9 - I like the minimal greens and 8 slices. The meat looks well cooked and sliced. A very good presentation.
10/31/2014 03:32:16 am
Score = 7
beth salzl
10/31/2014 03:58:32 am
I would rate this a 9 and wished I could eat it now
Steve Rounds
10/31/2014 04:08:46 am
Appearance- 7- Nice full box. Appears to be somewhat dry by the pic. Could be arranged a little better. Burnt ends haphazardly thrown in.
10/31/2014 04:11:53 am
9 - The color is perfect! Looks moist without looking like it was dipped in liquid. I would rip someone's arm off to grab a slice and a burnt end!
Mike Cannon
10/31/2014 04:18:47 am
8 - Good but not outstanding.
Enrico BBQness, KCBS CBJ
10/31/2014 05:29:39 am
9. For me is excellent box. Maybe slices aren't eaven, but it looks nice, great bark, great color.
10/31/2014 05:36:27 am
Score/Reasons: 9/My immediate response was "wow." The color is fabulous and the placement allows a good view of the meat and the bark.
Shawn-KCBS CBJ CTC and Comp Cook
10/31/2014 06:22:24 am
9. Looks great!
10/31/2014 06:32:46 am
Score/Reasons = 8, looks very good, but a couple negatives, the BEs would look better all aligned the same (right side is bark on front instead of top), slices hard to see the face with the BEs and garnish covering it up.
Rocky /CBJ
10/31/2014 06:53:02 am
A little dry looking, but still looks good. I would give it an 8 just looking at the picture, but looking at it in person could go a 9. The slices don't look too evenly cut, but it definitely looks like I would want to chow down on it.
10/31/2014 07:23:36 am
Score 9. This is an excellent looking presentation. I would make one suggestion. I would suggest that the cook consider reducing the number of slices in the box. Having ten slices, with only six burnt ends just adds a lot of unnecessary weight to the box leading to the possibility the box could be dropped, and does not allow the garnish to "frame" the meat picture as well. It would also allow the possibility that some slices may not be as tender or tasty. Pick the best 6 to 8 slices. I cannot see any advantage in the additional slices and making the box look full, I do not believe, increases a cook chances of improving their scores.
10/31/2014 08:17:55 am
8 - Slices aren't uniform, nice color. Burnt ends look like a last minute addition.
10/31/2014 10:58:41 am
10/31/2014 12:59:57 pm
Score/Reasons = 8. The slicing and even the color looks a little uneven. But, overall very good.
10/31/2014 01:11:52 pm
Score/Reason = 9. This is an excellent presentation, the color and arrangement and moistness are very appealing to me. The cook did a great job in sizing those slices to the box, plus... an additional bonus is the number of slices. The burnt ends make me want to reach for one.
10/31/2014 01:14:45 pm
John - KCBS / MCBJ, CTC, Rep. MIM & MBN Judge
10/31/2014 03:07:42 pm
Score/Reasons: 8 - Both the meat slices and BE's are nicely cut and arranged. But it all looks dry to me.
11/1/2014 01:57:28 am
Score 8
Barry Newman
11/1/2014 01:59:23 am
Brisket box 189 is (9)
11/1/2014 02:28:25 am
Looks very tasty, great color and texture, however it "appears" that your slices are not even. Wide on one end less so on the other. Care on setting the square ends could also be better.
Greg Hastie
11/1/2014 04:59:03 am
Score/Reasons = 9, the brisket looks really juicy and delicious, burnt ends look melt in your mouth
Keith - CBJ/KCBS
11/1/2014 08:44:21 am
9 - looks good looks moist
william holladay (SCBA)
11/1/2014 01:09:39 pm
8 - This is a well constructed box with samples being uniform in size and placed well in the box, but lack of a finishing glaze make the sample look dry. So the box had no "pop" as they say.
Larry MCBJ
11/1/2014 02:31:31 pm
9 - Excellent color, symmetry, and looks moist. Great presentation and I want it all.
Jean CMJ
11/1/2014 06:13:04 pm
8 - burnt ends need to be more uniform in shape and placement. Slices look a little dry. Nice smoke ring and plenty if slices in the box
Doug KCBS Master CBJ
11/2/2014 08:30:29 am
Score = 9
11/2/2014 09:09:28 am
9 - Looks moist and has great color.
11/2/2014 12:45:46 pm
7-first few slices uneven,bark too dark
11/2/2014 02:22:21 pm
Score 9 Looks moist with nice bark. Appetizing.
11/3/2014 03:19:57 am
9...Great bark. Nice color. Meat looks moist. Looks evenly sliced. Good looking burnt ends.
11/3/2014 08:34:34 am
8 looks like the burnt ends was just thrown in with no effort put in, me every thing look neat and tidy and watch the scores come up
11/3/2014 02:24:25 pm
Great looking box, nice photo too. Only negative comment I would have is with the slicing, it's thick at the end but thin in the middle, but that could be judged better in person. I may give it a 9 just based on how tasty the meat looks.
11/3/2014 02:57:17 pm
9 - Burnt ends could be more uniform but this is still an excellent box!
11/4/2014 12:42:51 am
Score/Reasons = 9, nice color looks very appetizing.
11/4/2014 12:43:05 am
Score/Reasons = 9, nice color looks very appetizing.
Audrey MCBJ
11/4/2014 06:01:56 am
8 Slices not even
11/4/2014 06:09:12 am
9 nice placement
rodney lively
11/9/2014 10:24:56 am
stand the 2nd from the right burnt end up right and that's a 9 all day long in my book...looks good, nice color
Scott Armstrong
11/14/2014 10:34:46 pm
Easy 9
11/19/2014 07:26:44 am
Score/Reasons = 9, excellent visual presentation. Box is nice and full. Slices look to be even with nice, uniform color. Burnt ends are of nice size, color and mostly uniform in size. Arrangement of burnt ends look hurried. Comments are closed.
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Herb Publisher, BBQ Critic KCBS Certified Master BBQ Judge KCBS Certified Table Captain Archives by Group
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Please score this BBQ Competition box using the KCBS scoring system below. 9-Excellent 8-Very Good 7-Above Average 6-Average 5-Below Average 4-Poor 3-Bad 2-Inedible 1-DISQUALIFIED (give reason). Click on BOX # in title of post above photo. Fill out the "LEAVE A REPLY" form and use the following format to TITLE each section in your post: NAME FIELD ON FORM: State name/CBJ Organization (i.e, Tom - CBJ/KCBS). CBJ=Certified BBQ Judge EMAIL FIELD ON FORM: You must be a "registered" BBQ Critic Online Judge in order to judge boxes on this site. Proof of registration is your email. All registered judges are required add their email to the email form field. Emails are kept private and not published. If you do not list your email, your score/post will not appear on the site. SCORE/REASONS FOR SCORE: Score this entry and give reasons for your score. DO NOT mention garnish or smoke rings in your reasons for scoring. We judge meat only. SUGGESTIONS: Feel free to offer any suggestions on how to improve the box (keep separate from reasons why you scored the box). You can mention anything here such as garnish suggestions. Purpose
The purpose of BBQ Critic's JudgeMyBox section is to provide feedback to competition cooks. Certified BBQ Judges who visit this site will score the photo of a contest box (using KCBS judging rules) and may optionally leave a comment explaining their score.
The idea is to allow the cook to get inside the mind of a judge (judges do have varying opinions) so they can use this information to help improve scores on APPEARANCE. In turn, the BBQ Critic editorial team will provide feedback on some judge scores and commentary that stray from the KCBS rules. This will help our judges become better judges and keeps everyone on the same page. Judges may also encounter some fun challenges at times (click for example). Comments about boxes or judges scores may be discussed in our online FORUM in a respectful manner. Please be mindful that scoring photo boxes may not be as accurate as scoring the box in person. Lighting, glare, angles, etc may affect the overall score. Judges also have more time to stare at your box, so that means we may get very detailed about the good and the bad. Have fun, judges! Oh, and cooks? Please send us your boxes. We love to judge Q here at BBQ Critic. ;-) Archives by Month
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