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new pal frank
8/12/2012 10:50:12 pm
8 some uneven suace and some variation in sizes.
Mike S.; KCBS MCBJ &,BBQ-Brethren RJ
8/13/2012 01:06:18 am
8 - The color of the skin looks pale. Pieces are arrange nicely, and the sauce is applied evenly.
Bill cbj kcbs
8/13/2012 01:13:55 am
Frank CBJ
8/13/2012 01:28:21 am
8. A bit light and need to even up the sauce a bit.
8/13/2012 01:34:20 am
Not too sure about the color, could be the lighting. However, this sample still looks good to me....give it a 9.
8/13/2012 01:36:35 am
Bill F.
8/13/2012 01:42:21 am
7 That color just doesn't do it for me, uneven sauce doesn't help, again this could be just right on taste/texture but who knows.
8/13/2012 01:46:09 am
Nicely sauced. Good color. Equal size pieces. A few spots where the skin doesn't quite cover the meat but not enough distraction to deduct a point.....9
8/13/2012 03:15:16 am
Score 9 Two things raise the score for me with this presentation. First is that the cook considers the Table Captains and Volunteers by adding a couple of additional pieces. The two additional pieces also shows that he had enough cooked well that he didn't have only 6 to judge. Second, I would like to taste the light sauce. I hope that it is good enough that I would want another.
8/13/2012 05:21:10 am
Score 8. Looks like all of the color to this chicken was in the sauce.
Don Ousley
8/13/2012 08:17:21 am
benefit of doubt with bright lights or very sunny
Doug KCBS Master CBJ & CTC
8/13/2012 08:57:00 am
Sauce looks a little uneven. The size and trim of the pieces is pretty uniform. I'd give this box an 8.
John - KCBS/MCBJ, CTC, Rep; MBN & MABA Judge
8/13/2012 09:00:10 am
8 - nice looking box, but not quite a 9 for me.
Lorne Rae
8/13/2012 09:28:09 am
An 8. Good color, size and arrangement but 2nd bottom left piece is shorter.
8/13/2012 11:16:57 pm
cbj,8 possible 9 in person,wishj chicken was just a little bit darker. Comments are closed.
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Herb Publisher, BBQ Critic KCBS Certified Master BBQ Judge KCBS Certified Table Captain Archives by Group
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The purpose of BBQ Critic's JudgeMyBox section is to provide feedback to competition cooks. Certified BBQ Judges who visit this site will score the photo of a contest box (using KCBS judging rules) and may optionally leave a comment explaining their score.
The idea is to allow the cook to get inside the mind of a judge (judges do have varying opinions) so they can use this information to help improve scores on APPEARANCE. In turn, the BBQ Critic editorial team will provide feedback on some judge scores and commentary that stray from the KCBS rules. This will help our judges become better judges and keeps everyone on the same page. Judges may also encounter some fun challenges at times (click for example). Comments about boxes or judges scores may be discussed in our online FORUM in a respectful manner. Please be mindful that scoring photo boxes may not be as accurate as scoring the box in person. Lighting, glare, angles, etc may affect the overall score. Judges also have more time to stare at your box, so that means we may get very detailed about the good and the bad. Have fun, judges! Oh, and cooks? Please send us your boxes. We love to judge Q here at BBQ Critic. ;-) Archives by Month
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