I'd like to see the names of ALL members of the committees listed, not just the Board member who chairs the committee.
I'd like to see an END to the "No Report" each month that was happening quite a lot up until recently.
I'd like to find a way to get more regional representation on the BoD - the members have asked for it, so why don't we have it?
I'd like to see e-mail blasts that go to ALL members (cooks, judges,Reps, organizers, everyone) whenever there is a rule change or clarification. If they can do it to sell you a T-shirt then they can do it to let you know the important stuff, too. Notices in the Bullsheet are great but an e-mail blast gets the info to everyone right now and really doesn't cost very much to send.
I'd like to see e-mail blasts that remind us of the little things that are sometimes forgotten. Things like "Don't lick your fingers when taking meat out of the box to judge", "Don't judge down because the lid of the box has some sauce on it, it might not be the cook's fault", "Keep in mind that not everyone loves your choice of perfume or deoderant - please don't over apply".
I'd like to see a program that encourages and rewards judges who cook with different teams once a year or so.
I'd like to see more cooks judge a comp every once in a while, just to keep up with what the judges are looking for.
I'd like to see a program sponsered by KCBS where the organizers send out an e-mail to all cooks and judges inviting them to a get together on Friday evening. Maybe they could use the judges' tent for a pot luck, maybe just a meet & greet, or even an invitation to the judges to come on out with your name tags on & introduce yourself to some teams.
I'd like to see a program of continuing education offered for the judges, maybe a graduated system where judges can be rewarded for their knowledge. If we are all on the same page then judging scores will be more consistant. Getting all 8s & 9s in taste is a good thing - even getting all 5s & 6s tells the cook something. What drives a cook nuts is the 9,7,5,4,8,9 score - all he can say then is "WHAT the #@?!"
I'd like to see FEWER closed door sessions and back room deals. I know that some things (disipline, etc.) need to stay out of the public view for the most part, but after any investigation the results could be released.
I think that we need to get some idea of just what "AVERAGE" ( #6 ) on the score card means. Is it average of all of the BBQ that I've eaten in my life? Average of all of the compitition BBQ that I've tasted? Average of all of the retaurant BBQ that's out there? Where does the McRib score (ok, I'm joking on this one)?
I think that there needs to be some re-training of some of the CBJ Instructors - - - IF some of the things that I've heard are true, and I did say "IF".
I think that there are some very good programs that the KCBS does very well (public education about BBQ, philanthropy,etc.) but we should always be looking to see what else can be done to further the goals of our organization. But at the same time we should examine each request for money and every program that we have to see if it is in the best intrests of ALL of the members.
I'd also like to let you know that I'm running with three other men who are very passionate about BBQ and the KCBS. their names are Steve Farrin, Jeff Stith and George Mullins. We are each running because we think that there are things that need changing in KCBS. We have set up a web site where we introduce ourselves and our platforms and we will keep updating it as we get closer to the election. Here's a link to the site:
Please feel free to let me know anything else that YOU would like to see happen - after all, it is YOUR organization!
And please remember to vote this year
Thank you,
Dave Compton